Wednesday, March 07, 2007


I keep hearing about all the talk generated by the drive by media about global warming. Especially after the Oscars with Al Gore winning one for his movie. While I do not say that the Earth's climate is not changing. Its a proven fact that it always is changing. What I don't accept is that humanity has all the blame. Human activity is probably one of many variables that affect climate. It was warmer on Earth in the Middle Ages. After all when the Vikings discovered Greenland it was full of green pastures. Nobody was driving SUVs or had factories in the Middle Ages. The Medieval Warm period was followed by the Little Ice Age. This is the one we are only now coming out of. What I do know is that we are nothing compared to the rest of creation. We are reminded of this fact when a major natural castastrophe hits. Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Tsunamis just remind us of this fact. All these alarmists are full of it. They can not predict the weather a week from now but they think they can predict weather years from now. I just remember when they predicted a horrible 2006 hurricane season and they were full of it. Give me a break. I also found an interesting website on global warming. Its called Predict


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