September 11, 2001
I will never forget that day. It was my second day at USSOUTHCOM. As I was getting my badge to enter I heard somebody say that a plane had hit the WTC. I was thinking it was a small aircraft. As small TV in a waiting area had one tower with smoke belowing out of it. As I proceeded into the USSOUTHCOM watch desk it was buzzing with activity. All the TVs had all the major networks on. The second plane had hit as I had walked upstairs. When the third plane hit the Pentagon it got even crazier. We were under attack. All non-essential personnel were evacuated from USSOUTHCOM. This was crazy as USSOUTHCOM is in the Doral right under flight paths to MIA. On my way home I was shocked the unbelievable had happened. Amidst all the madness, I stopped at "La Ermita de la Caridad" on my way home and prayed. On my way out I saw Msgr. Agustin Roman and he told me all we can do is pray.

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