Just read a CNN story about the Poll that,"Most back Congress over Bush in war funding fight." I do find it interesting that although this may be true if you stratch the surface sometimes you find a lot more than the drive by media wants to anounce. If you read the poll results certain things come to light. One dramatic thing I saw in the internal information of the poll was one question in particular. It asked, "Do you think it is good for the country or bad for the country that the democratic party is in control of Congress?" It shows that from Nov 2006 through today less people are saying, Good for the country, and more people are saying Bad for the country. Personally I think the Dems might get burned if they continue down the same road of politicking as usual. They need to change course and try and cooperate together with the president instead of confronting him. Its is not good for the country and sends the wrong message to our enemies.