Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Eenesto arrived & nothing happened

Ernesto arrived and all the hoopla was much ado about nothing.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Ernesto is headed our way

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Get ready Ray Nagin here comes Ernesto

New Tensions Between Venezuela & the US

Chavez is at it again. This story in EL Nuevo Herald says that Venezuelan authorities retained a piece of diplomatic baggage at the airport. Their excuse is that the US was carrying weapons. What is the point? I know that Wannabe Fidel is trying to provoke the US into doing something. Venezuelans should have killed him while they could. Venezuelans have no one to blame but themselves. Hey Batista had his chance too. Unfortunately accidents happen in history and whole populations pay the price.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Ernesto is Here

Ernesto is here.

Waiting on Ernesto

It is still tropical depression number 5.


Here it the latest and greatest.

Hurricane!!! I think I spoke too soon. Here comes Ernesto.

Here we go again.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

¿Porque Guardia Rural?

I named my blog el guardia rural because I live in a rural area and because I am a member of the Florida Army National Guard.


Welcome to my Blog.